Samui elephant home is the newly launched a project in the form of learning and getting to know each other between humans and elephants in the implication with keeping elephants and conservation to be healthy and wealthy in numbers respectively.
Here, you will find the opportunity to participate and engage in elephant care and conservation activities with us, such as elephants feeding, hiking with elephants to observe their natural behaviors, elephants bathing, discovering the advantages of elephant dung for organic paper production, and participation in care as well as studies and visits of elephant nursery especially for sick elephants with the cooperation from livestock department and veterinarians as the primary caregivers.
All guests will enjoy with the following activities.
Preparing the foods for elephants , hiking with the elephant in the most beautiful surrounding around and possible to enjoy bathing for the elephant in the pool.

<h4>Trip Operate : Daily (Morning or Afternoon)</h4>
<h4>Trip Duration : 3 Hours</h4>
<h4>Adult Price : 3000 Baht per person</h4>
<h4>Child price : 1500 Baht per person (Child is age between 5 – 11 years old) / (4 years old and under is free of charge.)</h4>
Please click at Book Now button above or book the trip in inquiry form below and we will send you a confirmation by e-mail and you can pay for the trip in cash at the elephant home on the trip date.